Need to meet at a time not listed?
Call the office to make an appointment: 802-388-7164
Need to drop off paperwork or have a quick question?
Stop by during our regular office hours. No appointment required!
Our office is regularly open Monday through Thursday 9am to 4pm.
Our off-season hours are limited. If you need an appointment outside these hours, please email us or call the office: 802-388-7164
Choose your own appointment
(Returning Clients Only: New Clients please use
New Client application in the “forms” menu above)
Scheduling Policies
Pre-appointment details
Bring every piece of mail marked “important tax documents” and your property tax bill. You can always use last year’s taxes as a guide.
Cancellation policies
Can’t make your scheduled appointment? Click the ‘reschedule’ option in the email you received when you made your appointment, or give us a call to reschedule.
Payment policies
Payment must be complete before filing. Need a payment plan? We can do that. Contact us for an official quote.